Andorra Bike Tracks the agency specialized in creating and managing stage routes by bicycle, mountain bike and road bike in Andorra. With Andorra Bike Tracks you will enjoy the pure MTB singletracks and/or the Andorran Mountain Passes.

The routes have been designed by local cyclists, to enjoy the landscapes and experiences that Andorra can offer by bike (MTB/ROAD/ENDURO), without having to worry about accommodation and luggage transport. Authentic mountain biking and road cycling in the Pyrenees; Cycling tourism in its purest form. Both routes MTB and road are fully compatible with each other!

Andorra Bike Tracks, offers you the possibility of enjoying the bicycle, reaching emblematic geographical points of the country and other more inhospitable corners, to reach more than 2,500m of altitude, pedaling and with spectacular 360º views. MTB or road, dirt or asphalt a 3 or 4 day adventure is waiting for you...

100% adaptable / customizable

Ens adaptem i personalitzem la teva ruta/estada; t’oferim més tracks / etapes per recórrer (XC, Enduro o DH), o altres activitats. Vens amb família? Us proposem una sèrie d’activitats turístiques alternatives/complementàries
per gaudir-ho junts durant cada una de les etapes.

Ruta BTT Andorra

Vens amb família?

Si necessiteu una ruta a mesura per fer el recorregut al vostre ritme, solament heu de posar-vos en contacte amb nosaltres.

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